Monday, 24 February 2014

A Bleeding Heart

I took two pieces of wood, that were laying about, lost and alone,
I glued them together, the grain intertwining, and my chisel I did hone.

To fashion from the joined timber was my wish, a heart to symbolise,
My sense of love and togetherness, with one I’d found full of surprise.

In carving the wood, I cut through my thumb, and blood did flow,
Soaking the heart, turning it red and giving the grain a heartfelt glow.

What perhaps started off as something rather tacky and cheap, did no longer remain so,
It took my effort, imagination and even blood to create this, so please accept it without a no.

It is to demonstrate and signify to you today my feelings, in my own individual way,
Bringing alive my hopes and dreams in a romantic manner, nothing more needing to say.

Though time and tide may wash away, much of what we seem to have now found,
Keep hold of this little red heart to remind you, of my labour and love for you all round.

People drift, emotions shift and love, it all too often does, start to wane,
But these two pieces of wood I hope, will locked together, forever remain.

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