Monday, 24 February 2014

Bird Song

Drifting awaking gently into the day
The songs of a feathered friend greet my way

It nests outside my window in a chestnut tree
How I wish in my life I could be as free

I’d not really noticed before the songs of this mate
The morning tirade of bird song did normally just grate

But as days have passed the tunes seem to be
focused and pointed directly towards me

On days that the ground was frozen and white
I started to offer it food on my cill that it just might

See the worm like morsels and feel some relief
That in the depth of winter I strengthened its belief

I am thankful for your morning greetings so pure so sweet
So much so that I will ensure you are fed if you wish with meat

On waking this day I was astounded with great surprise
The food I offered had gone and its song seemed more alive

I’ll soon make a move and settle in a new nest of my own
But know that my new found friend will sing on like me alone


  1. This is beautiful :) Plus it speaks to my own fascination and inexplicable desire of birds and to be like one.

    1. Thanks Wanderer, I'm as fascinated as you are by our feathered friends, I long to fly up high!
