Monday, 24 February 2014

Eskimo Baby

My cute little Eskimo baby!
Are you thinking of me, just maybe?

Can you perhaps feel my inner pining?
Without you, I am left alone rhyming.

If I close my eyes, I can see your face,
With me, you remain in this challenging race.

Your spirit comes alive, upon seeing me,
My spirit rejuvenates, when I am with thee.

It’s great that we get time to play, hug and laugh,
You feel like a kid around him don’t you? Said one of the staff.

Course I do he’s my baby and my bestest friend by far,
I am so blessed I have not just one, but another guiding star.

I’ll be here when you need me, don’t ever forget that,
To help you when you need me to, would make me feel phat.

Can’t wait to see you in the morning, I’m so excited I can’t now sleep,
I think I’ll just write tonight and after seeing you relax, then perhaps count sheep.

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