I'm stood there, frozen to the spot
I can't be seen, a mere micro dot
I really feel like I'm at the races
Past me walking I see just fleeting faces
Everyone so busy, getting on their way
Living their life for yet another day
It might be our last, we must not so delay
Nor stop to allow boredom to get in our way
I'll do what I want, don't stop me in my mission
I want to live my life like a bang of nuclear fission
Don't even try or dare to hold me back now this time
I'll leave you my memories in some thoughtful rhyme
I closed my eyes and disappeared into her words eloquently spoken
I couldn't believe the effect, I didn't think I'd be again awoken
Vividly expressive touching me to my core
Again and again her waves thrashing at the shore
Stood now feeling the sand around my feet
Thinking what a pleasure it was to you meet
But is this destined to be no more than just a mere momentary race
A dot in a crowd with a fast moving, disengaged, but human like face.
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