Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Healing Spring Sun

Pain sapping spirit of energy, striving to be our minds pervading,
Akin adnascentia in a lawn, moving, our inner even texture destroying.

The sun like a nubivagant bird, obrumpent out of the clouds and comes into view,
A gentle shower cascades, washing away my melancholy, feelings so blue.

In a hazy sky do clouds abound, dissipating as they quickly run,
A pain easing quality is for me thankfully, found in the rays of the sun.

My thoughts inwardly dwell, on one distant, alone, hurting,
They desarcinate from me, my current sense of suffering.

Connected we be through words, thoughts, feelings, our emotions,
Welcome moments of happiness, amidst our daily devotions.

Exipotic to my body, are thoughts of you I have come to find,
So much so that I ecstasiate, when you are in my mind.

Though famelicose apart, must we both unfortunately remain,
The redamancy between is unabated, an eternal flame.

So do not be improcerous in spirit, or be feeling alone,
We'll soon speak again in our usual, grandiloquent tone.

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