Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Yer About Numbers, I'm About Words

Wandering, about in this lonely place,
I've long been running, alone this race.

Faces, pass me at the pace of knots,
Feels like I've knocked back, one too many shots.

One, two and, onto three,
Of ascending numbers, you can't always be free

Tis better tho, in company to roam,
Perchance you'll kill, two birds with one stone.

So there ya go pal, yer challenge is met,
I do believe that on this occasion, I did win the bet.

Why is it that in numbers, you do so dwell?
I rather find words, actually make me feel swell.

In a book enthrall I, diving into them pages,
Be assured I wont come back out, for ages.

Its words, that reign power over me,
Captivated in a book, I am not free.

A prisoner, in a literal land,
Of printed paper, in my hand.

I ain't worried tho, or full o'fear,
Am fair happy held captive here.


  1. I like this one! :)

    A prisoner of the paper you might be, but you fill the paper in your own way...still free :)

  2. Thank you :) Free but waiting for freedom to return to me still. Sigh.
