As a rare subspecies I have adapted,
to my life in the Russian Far East.
Found living in temperate forests,
where on deer, often I feast.
Like other Leopards I can run,
at up to 37 miles per hour in speed.
I'm rather an incredible cat,
leaping to least across twenty and up ten feet.
I'm nocturnal and solitary,
nimble footed and strong.
I carry and hide my food from other predators,
so that they might not do me wrong.
Some males stay with females after mating,
helping to rear and nurture their young.
Others choose to follow and fight,
so with one female they mate might.
We live for years ten to fifteen,
although up to 20 in captivity.
Some call us Far East others Manchurian
and even Korean leopard a few.
Ecological, economical and cultural,
are where you'll find our importance.
Conservation of my habitat will benefit,
my prey like the deer and even another big cat.
So please make a personal conservation effort
and help from the brink of extinction bring me back.
Poaching me largely for my beautiful spotted fur,
is not humane and is absolutely horrendously unfair.
My male and female skins are sold,
for only $500 and $1000, how very they dare!
You humans have also disastrously reduced,
the expanse of my former suitable survival range.
That my species of only now 30,
may reach extinction is thus no longer strange.
So there is really no time to delay,
Support long term conservation today.
Please do not allow me and kin
to forever from your company go away.