Friday, 28 February 2014

Black Rhino

Killed like vermin, by European hunters were we,
five or six killed in a day for food or simple glee.
Our decline in population at the hand of European settlers,
With guns they would choose to kill and to so better us.
A further cost of 20th century colonization of Africa,
 Establishing farms and plantations, continuing a senseless slaughter.
. We are regarded as pests and exterminated at all cost,
“DOOMED.” was the headline in 1961, due to the numbers of our loss.
 A result of man's folly, greed and whole neglect,
So now please support conservation as your charity of select.  
Help in the fighting to protect me, and my kind,
For soon there wont be any, of us left around to find.

Cross River Gorilla

You'll only find me living in the Congo Basin,
Please help conservation, and my doom not to hasten.

I'm not as numerous as the western lowland Gorilla,
My numbers of two hundred, is to me a total horror.

Poaching, disease and habitat destruction,
Critically causing my species, near future extinction.

Vegetarian, I feed on stems, bamboo shoots and just fruit,
For the manner in which my kind have had to die, I feel rather mute.

The largest living primate, with a well developed social structure,
Exhibiting behaviour and emotions like humans, laughing and feeling sad at our butcher.

Charismatic and intelligent, less than two percent does even our DNA differ,
I am your closet cousin, after smaller chimps and bonobos, like you I shiver.

We live as individuals a couple, or up to forty as a group round a head male of family.
As adult male I can weigh upto four forty pounds, six foot tall and rather gangly.

As an adult male of fourteen I develop a silverback of white hair,
A baby in 6 years is slow a growth, our population can't survive I do despair

It's across central Africa, illegal trade of me and other great apes, does prevail
So please provide me sanctuary, demand wildlife laws, ones that don't so simply me fail.

Moments Towards Forever

Feeling lost, alone, cold.
Shivering, shivering down to my bones.
Lost for words, hurt, abused,
Not talking, so cant be so used.

Out of nowhere, appeared a tall elegant lass,
Reached into my heart, raised up her glass.
Feeling my pain, a look saying don't feel alone,
From the moment I first saw you, I've kinda known.

With a hug, a gentle kiss and embarrassed giggle,
A springy step in yer walk, an awesome wiggle.
Bringing smiles, laughs and confidence galore,
Excited, together, did we each other explore.

Connected in moments towards forever,
Spiritually connected, indeed very clever.
Together joined as one, is perfectly blissful ecstatic fun,
Running on feelings, as life's marathon we run.

Where might our moments take us, near or rather far,
Strangers connect for a reason, season and lifetime, an everlasting star.
Might we hold onto this magic between us, that remains still unclear?
Losing this would now be incredibly tragic, that thought alone fills me with fear.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Red Panda

Some look at me and ask if I'm even real,
I am regarded vulnerable, so make me a mighty big deal.
I am a living fossil, tens of millions of years in age am I
There was a time in China and Great Britain that I did die.
I'm not a bear, related to the Giant Panda or even the Raccoon,
I am of a family all my own, so stop contributing towards my doom.
I'm slightly larger than your domestic cat,
with a bear-like body and thick russet fur, I ain't very fat. 
My belly and limbs are black, and i'm marked white
 around my head and cute small eyes, i'm anything but a fright. 
A very skillful and acrobatic animal am I,
I can climb jump and run, up in the tree canopy high.
You'll find me in the Eastern Himalayas, where its always a bit of a freeze,
that's why I'm predominantly up off the ground, much happier up in the trees. 
My long bushy tail is for balance, and for warming winter cover too,
I am primarily an herbivore, eating bamboo and a other plants a few.
My forest home is reducing, as the trees are chopped away,
Poachers value our fur, bamboo becomes more scarce day upon day.
Locals consider our tails attractive good luck charms,
What is also rather disastrous is the impact of agriculture and farms.
We are solitary and often nocturnal and only live ten years at most,
Lend a hand to protect what I need as my land, so we can always forever together toast .

Amur Leopard

As a rare subspecies I have adapted, 
to my life in the Russian Far East.
Found living in temperate forests,
where on deer, often I feast.
Like other Leopards I can run,
at up to 37 miles per hour in speed.
I'm rather an incredible cat,
leaping to least across twenty and up ten feet.
 I'm nocturnal and solitary,
nimble footed and strong.
I carry and hide my food from other predators,
so that they might not do me wrong.
Some males stay with females after mating,
helping to rear and nurture their young.
Others choose to follow and fight,
so with one female they mate might.
We live for years ten to fifteen,
although up to 20 in captivity.
Some call us Far East others Manchurian
and even Korean leopard a few.
Ecological, economical and cultural,
are where you'll find our importance.
Conservation of my habitat will benefit,
my prey like the deer and even another big cat.
So please make a personal conservation effort 
and help from the brink of extinction bring me back.
Poaching me largely for my beautiful spotted fur,
 is not humane and is absolutely horrendously unfair.
My male and female skins are sold, 
for only $500 and $1000, how very they dare!
You humans have also disastrously reduced,
 the expanse of my former suitable survival range.
That my species of only now 30, 
may reach extinction is thus no longer strange.
So there is really no time to delay,
Support long term conservation today.
Please do not allow me and kin
to forever from your company go away.

Paradise Parrot

You won't see my colours flash upon your eyes no more
Not seen since 1927, I will soon be just folklore

The grassy woodlands of eastern Australia were my home
I lived in pairs or small family groups, alone did i not roam

Making my nest in a hollowed out termite mound, often near the ground
Feeding on grass seeds which were plentiful to be found

I was coloured more extraordinarily than another of my parrot kin
Turquoise, aqua, scarlet, black and brown, unlike mundane human skin

Beautifully formed my tail was almost the size of my body
That I am now extinct should not have been my plight, it is alas a tragedy

Despite being rapid and undulating in my flight through the air
I preferred to spend all my time on the ground close to my lair

Why I did so suddenly decline remains the subject of much speculation
Drought, overgrazing, land clearing, fire regimes, egg hunters and others predation

It saddens me that you will not again be so fortunate so as to me to see
I like my name am safe now in a heavenly paradise happy and full of glee

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Healing Spring Sun

Pain sapping spirit of energy, striving to be our minds pervading,
Akin adnascentia in a lawn, moving, our inner even texture destroying.

The sun like a nubivagant bird, obrumpent out of the clouds and comes into view,
A gentle shower cascades, washing away my melancholy, feelings so blue.

In a hazy sky do clouds abound, dissipating as they quickly run,
A pain easing quality is for me thankfully, found in the rays of the sun.

My thoughts inwardly dwell, on one distant, alone, hurting,
They desarcinate from me, my current sense of suffering.

Connected we be through words, thoughts, feelings, our emotions,
Welcome moments of happiness, amidst our daily devotions.

Exipotic to my body, are thoughts of you I have come to find,
So much so that I ecstasiate, when you are in my mind.

Though famelicose apart, must we both unfortunately remain,
The redamancy between is unabated, an eternal flame.

So do not be improcerous in spirit, or be feeling alone,
We'll soon speak again in our usual, grandiloquent tone.


You anonymously stated your words to me today,
Reflecting on our farewell and the going apart on our way.
As our conversation progressed, intuition you coupled with what I shared of myself,
At that point you knew I was not just anyone, you do so caringly now secretly profess.
I've long felt a sparsile star, not included in any human constellation,
My life lived too often as a hermit, characterized by apanthropinization.

My words stated in prose, you find heartfelt and your soul becomes stirred,
Blessed are you for having this glimpse, you so boldly just inferred.
The memories for two, are not always similar in strength,
But the purpose of connecting, never the less is equal in wealth.

The great cosmogyral peregrinations of how we engage, follow universal laws,
We are attracted to one another for a reason, season or lifetime, via sliding doors.

Esomenic properties in a brief conversation are not really to be found,
So if I might quaeritate, why cannot we now in more crebrity speak?

Yer About Numbers, I'm About Words

Wandering, about in this lonely place,
I've long been running, alone this race.

Faces, pass me at the pace of knots,
Feels like I've knocked back, one too many shots.

One, two and, onto three,
Of ascending numbers, you can't always be free

Tis better tho, in company to roam,
Perchance you'll kill, two birds with one stone.

So there ya go pal, yer challenge is met,
I do believe that on this occasion, I did win the bet.

Why is it that in numbers, you do so dwell?
I rather find words, actually make me feel swell.

In a book enthrall I, diving into them pages,
Be assured I wont come back out, for ages.

Its words, that reign power over me,
Captivated in a book, I am not free.

A prisoner, in a literal land,
Of printed paper, in my hand.

I ain't worried tho, or full o'fear,
Am fair happy held captive here.

Monday, 24 February 2014

This I Do Know

It was a day in November, one I’ll always remember.
The hands on a watch, brought us together in a match.
But how come it’s all now torn? Alone left feeling forlorn.
I keep thinking oh no, I’ve not a thing left to show.
But in strength I grow and grow, so return again will my flow.
You’ll see I hope to soon forget, and both of us will lose our regret.
The day you made me go, it’s all part of life and growing yo.
This I do know, this I do know!

The Same Smiles

A kind hearted soul, shared her views with me last night,
I still can't really decide, if she was wrong or she was right.

She confidently said, you two share the same smiles,
It warmed my heart, and no longer apart from you, did I feel miles.

We do after all together, actually always remain,
For you're in my heart, my blood is in more than one of veins.

Missing you has become a habit to me, over these lonely years,
Regrettably I allowed the result to be anxiety, hopelessness and fear.

Not knowing where and how you are, or if you feel like i do, has been really hard,
I don't really know what has possessed, the one I loved, to behave with such disregard.

We wont any longer as a family together, share happy memories nor smile,
But stand tall, feel good, don't let the distance between us, both our emotions rile.

I smile as I remember your cute cheeky goofy grin,
With that in my mind, I ain't alone, the future isn't so grim.

Sitting Here Staring

Why am I sitting here just staring?
At a computer screen bright and glaring.

Its cold outside and on the ground there is frost,
There aint even a black cat out there, for my path to be crossed.

Oh! stop shouting at me, I'll be with you in a wee while,
Why is it always me that must drive you many a mile.

Okay Okay i'm coming to take you to that shop,
And when I come back I really must that floor mop.

So enough of this crazy written garbage from me,
I best take mi sis in law to find an new outfit or three.


It was a darkening wintery fateful day
I was rushing to get home not fall asleep on the way
Glaring spectrum colours with the setting sun at my back
It seemed to float towards me on a ribbon of black

Snaking it's way through curvy tree lines
I can’t really express it now not even in rhymes
White painted bands I could see that guided my way

But my eyes just closed on me and my car it did sway

Blinded in sleep did I drive with dream like negotiation
Reflecting now I could have died that I didn’t remains a frustration

I veered to fast to the right a thunder and roar under the wheels
A neural interruption sending lighting down to my heels

As if stung by hornets in my side, I felt pain in my arm
Awaking I knew I had just done myself great harm
In slow motion a surrealistic scream of wet rubber black
I phoned her for help but in return she just gave me flack

It crazy it is how the Lord works in such mysterious ways
The result may have been anxiety but ahead are brighter days
As my body slowly returns to its previous tremendous good health
My spirit though waning is growing and finding new wealth

Before The End Of Your Days

I don’t like the apparition of these faces in the crowd,
As my body is laid out before them in my funeral shroud.

Remove them frowns from upon your faces its ok you know,
I am happy to have passed on and am now at peace finally yo!

I’m sorry you feel sad that I am no longer here,
But tell you one thing death you shouldn't fear.

Life is but a lesson a test for the exam that will follow,
So nurture your spirit and in character do not be shallow.

Speak kindly towards others and say not that which will cause hurt,
All too often for some out of their mouth comes nothing but dirt.

It’s often always a little too late to say I was joking you are my mate,
When you have caused distress by your earlier words and sealed your fate.

So strive and strive again to improve your ways,
You won’t have a chance after you end your days.


In a distant place, I saw a face, To me she was a stranger.
The look of grace, Upon her face, Astounding was this stranger.
We exchanged a glance, A faint smile by chance, I was drawn towards this stranger.
We discussed our lives, Our laughs sounded like cries, No longer did she feel a stranger.
But then perchance, I caught a glance, A ring on the finger of the stranger.
Oh you’re married, In haste I’d been carried, We can’t continue this dear stranger.
She said wait, How about one date, I regret but that couldn’t make me feel stranger.
You look mighty fine, You can’t though be mine, and so must you return to being a stranger.

I Thought I'd Take A Bath

I thought I’d take a bath,
With bubbles multiplying like math.

The water pours in a rushing,
A loud serenade a gushing.

A whirlpool of fate washing away,
The specs of memories that make me feel grey.

The web of past delirium I struggle and fight to shake,
While merely strengthening the hold on me to make.

A tricky situation really intense and my face to crease,
How to attain the enlightenment and from this to release.

To overcome the predicament of flesh and passion,
For a past love that will remain attached in a fashion.

To wash the rough forms of what I called real away,
Into another’s arms I soon but will have to stray.

So there emerges the truth of my feeling,
My words they send my mind a reeling.

I am clean now I have washed away that wrath,
But tomorrow I’ll need to take another bath.


Sweet crunchy sticky a treat,
Wearing lush sandals upon her feet.

She poked out her tongue, because she could,
Dressed so as to remind us, of little red riding hood.

She’d love a baby wabbit, but its gotta be all brown,
Any other a colour, will just make her frown.

She’s all adult now and said if you like me 079 me,
I wonder for lunch might she be sometime free?

She loves the smell of Henna, but ain’t at applying it crackin,
But in her personality though, she is pretty much crack-a-lackin!

Her avatar of her eye, reminds me of how I think,
A woman’s eyes hold her beauty, so please do not blink.

So do us a favour lass, change yer avatar quick smart,
Show us instead, the doorway to your sweet heart​.

She Comes From A Land Down Under

Punjaban Princess from a land down under,
An accent that makes my mind go asunder.

Her avatar suggests she has some great Salt Lake Cities,
But I’d always known them before as Walter Mitty’s.

With a look and a sigh she shows irritation to negativity,
Is she like most teachers though and afflicted by frigidity?

She’s followed around school by a giggling crew of girls,
All wanting to copy her around the corridors as she whirls.

Astounding it is to find she ain’t had Malai or Gulla of Ras,
That’s probably why she remains a fine figure of a Lass.

Hot Chips with Ice Cream are her guilty pleasure,
Her rendition of Kolaveri di is I think beyond measure.

So here’s a wee poem to a girl that likes red,
And has the weirdest visions whilst asleep in her bed.


There is a girl she is quite toppy,
Reminds me of my old rabbit floppy.

She’s always bubbly messing around,
Her giggle is awesome stops my face feeling frowned.

She is from the Northwest of a town down south,
I ain’t yet though seen the shape of her mouth.

I bet she looks good stood in a Monsoon,
Wonder if she’ll end up with a guy called Haroon.

She’s often flirtatious in her unique way,
You’ll often hear her say ‘ooh baby yay!’

I feel like saying ‘My God go get a room,’
But do fret she might whack me in response with a broom.

So Topgirl here is a small ditty to you,
Thank you for making me often less blue.

A Bleeding Heart

I took two pieces of wood, that were laying about, lost and alone,
I glued them together, the grain intertwining, and my chisel I did hone.

To fashion from the joined timber was my wish, a heart to symbolise,
My sense of love and togetherness, with one I’d found full of surprise.

In carving the wood, I cut through my thumb, and blood did flow,
Soaking the heart, turning it red and giving the grain a heartfelt glow.

What perhaps started off as something rather tacky and cheap, did no longer remain so,
It took my effort, imagination and even blood to create this, so please accept it without a no.

It is to demonstrate and signify to you today my feelings, in my own individual way,
Bringing alive my hopes and dreams in a romantic manner, nothing more needing to say.

Though time and tide may wash away, much of what we seem to have now found,
Keep hold of this little red heart to remind you, of my labour and love for you all round.

People drift, emotions shift and love, it all too often does, start to wane,
But these two pieces of wood I hope, will locked together, forever remain.

All In All With You

When all else fades I will remember this,
This moment, here together and us all feeling swell.
There will be certain days, and certain nights,
I’ll feel your presence near me, hear your voice.
I’ll think I have imagined it and yet,
Inside I will catch an answering cry.
On these February evenings, when the rain has ceased, my heart will shake,
I’ll weep and weep for nothing and pine for what’s not here, until I fall asleep.
For me, this life will never be enough; there will forever be an emptiness,
I am not around you now, for I felt whole once when I was all in all with you.

Fleeting Faces

I'm stood there, frozen to the spot
I can't be seen, a mere micro dot
I really feel like I'm at the races
Past me walking I see just fleeting faces

Everyone so busy, getting on their way
Living their life for yet another day
It might be our last, we must not so delay
Nor stop to allow boredom to get in our way

I'll do what I want, don't stop me in my mission
I want to live my life like a bang of nuclear fission
Don't even try or dare to hold me back now this time
I'll leave you my memories in some thoughtful rhyme

I closed my eyes and disappeared into her words eloquently spoken
I couldn't believe the effect, I didn't think I'd be again awoken
Vividly expressive touching me to my core
Again and again her waves thrashing at the shore

Stood now feeling the sand around my feet
Thinking what a pleasure it was to you meet
But is this destined to be no more than just a mere momentary race
A dot in a crowd with a fast moving, disengaged, but human like face.

Oh No Didn't Mean To Do That!

Oh no! I didn’t mean to do that!
I got lost in the moment, instead of swallowing I should have spat.

What will I do now, I think it’s to hospital I should go?
How long before the results of my gulp will show?

I wonder how it might feel, inside me growing so slow,
I shouldn’t have been so hasty; my mind keeps now shouting OH NO!

It feels kind of funny in my stomach, the roots are spreading I think,
He stood there in front of me his eyes all a blink.

What’s wrong, why you all a fluster, what have you done I asked?
He replied, words alarming stated so fast.

There’s a tree growing inside me dad!
I just ate the seed of the Apple that I just had! 

Relational Minds

Apparent invisible personalities awakened in random words,
Anonymous statements creating gossip amongst the hungry herds.

Some seek out folks with common, interesting, sometimes intriguing features,
Others struggle with the unexpected, unexplained outbreaks of troll like creatures.

Networks created to engineer 21st century internet based socialising,
Folks building links and creating opportunities to start fraternising.

Some work hard to make friends, fall in love and strive to find lovers,
They even place some individuals consequently above all others.

Is it because our human minds are relational in the way that they do work,
Hence we seek others validation of our experiences in order to develop, but sometimes we this shirk.

It’s not about the physical, it’s the emotional sense of worth and respect that’s more important by far,
Show me I’m loved and that there is a purpose in my existence, not how phat might be my car.

Stand beside me as my rock being there always as life is one mighty tough thing to get through,
It’s easier with an ally on your side to pick you up when times are hard, making you say phew.

Be my reason to wake up and try as hard as I can each day for the rest of my life,
Give me the confidence and reassurance to call you my friend and not just my wife.

But waiting for someone you love to show caring can be infuriating leaving you dejected,
So it’s easier not sharing yourself with others sometimes, staying alone and protected.

That’s why I feel so different, a companion I really do not anymore desire,
I know it’s simply a case of all the hurt has guarded my heart, of that I am not a liar. 

Ode To Nancy Jo

Beautiful young lady, called Nancy Jo,
Runs along with her nipper for an hour or more, at a perfect flow.

Is drawn to bold colours, like maroon, and red,
So much so that she’s even taking it, to the hair on her head.

She’s calm and collected, mature minded and so caring,
Around her loved ones, you can see her these qualities, gently sharing.

An intelligent mind, that can retain volumes of info, at the last minute in time,
Doing phenomenally well, despite worrying herself to tears, oh what a crime!

A beautiful photogenic face, that makes men often look at her, and stare,
No doubt in return, her eyes flash at them a look of, ‘how very you dare!

To her siblings, examples of goodness and grace, does she always lend,
I am rather fortunate that we have met, and feel I can already, call her a friend.

Wakes to the singing of birdsong, at the breaking of a new day at dawn,
And is out on the road running, whilst there is still morning dew on the lawn.

Is schooling herself, so as to practice the honourable profession of nursing,
On this course she is tied, for a few years and of that there will be no reversing.

She leaves me often baffled asking, my dear what do you mean?
Not too shabby, of course my horse, and, the awesome, Peachy keen!

I could write about you for hours, days, weeks, time perhaps immortal,
With each poem I read you, I know one thing for sure; you’d always get a chortle.

So in our first week, of knowing one another could I ask that you promise me, this?
Come Hurricanes of rain, sleet, or snow, that you will now stay in touch with me, miss. 

I Have Lost My Way

Sitting alone and cold in the middle of the day,
I realise to myself that in my life I have lost my way.
I've tried finding it in words and songs gentle and meek,
It's helped me a little but i still feel really weak.

But why should my words even matter to you?
For its my life and perhaps I deserve to be blue.
I keep wondering when will peace and freedom return to me?
Making me feel again the person that I once used to be.

We all have our own dreams to contend with and our own life of which to make a mess,
Knowing this doesn't really make a difference though or my own pain anymore the less.
Don't look to others misfortune and from that find some inner relief,
Look to yourself alone and strengthen your own personal belief.

The words of a new friend resounded in my mind for they were full of benevolence,
It's made me turn to the experiences of a man of exceptional integrity and intelligence.
Reading of his suffering, gentle forgiving ways make me smile and my mind rest a while,
I sense my waning spirit strengthen and prepare to stride forth for many more a mile.

He was subject to verbal attacks, jeers, insults and physical aggression,
Laying thorns in his way, throwing garbage and dust on him was the progression.
Despite the unjust treatment towards him by those that knew him but refused to believe,
He was more hurt to see the tears in his daughter's eyes because of the reception he did receive.

His words of comfort to his daughter have provided me today some spiritual relief,
They have within me served to invoke a sense of stronger religious belief.
"My daughter, weep not, for verily the Lord will be your father's helper."
So to my Lord I prostate myself and pray please grant me the safety of your shelter.

Eskimo Baby

My cute little Eskimo baby!
Are you thinking of me, just maybe?

Can you perhaps feel my inner pining?
Without you, I am left alone rhyming.

If I close my eyes, I can see your face,
With me, you remain in this challenging race.

Your spirit comes alive, upon seeing me,
My spirit rejuvenates, when I am with thee.

It’s great that we get time to play, hug and laugh,
You feel like a kid around him don’t you? Said one of the staff.

Course I do he’s my baby and my bestest friend by far,
I am so blessed I have not just one, but another guiding star.

I’ll be here when you need me, don’t ever forget that,
To help you when you need me to, would make me feel phat.

Can’t wait to see you in the morning, I’m so excited I can’t now sleep,
I think I’ll just write tonight and after seeing you relax, then perhaps count sheep.

Happy Face

Living this life at an astounding pace,
I keep having to run my very own race.
Will I gain perhaps some much needed Grace?
I hope to keep at least a soulful smile,
On my tired and weary but happy face

A Beautiful Bright Star

You are perfectly imperfect and so damn beautiful within. You know that beauty isn’t skin deep, it’s far deeper than any thin external veneer. You are who you allow yourself to become. Get what you give, and give what you get, so in this life strive with your all and please don’t ever give up. Be the best you can be, be the person you want to be. Just remember to be yourself, not who others want to see. This day is yours, it belongs to no one but you. So put one foot in front of the other, step closer to making all your dreams come true. You are perfectly imperfect, know that this is really okay. Because no one is flawless, none of us are perfectly made. You are beautiful within, and your smile reflects that. The love inside your heart is pure, so grin and let others see who you are. To be the best you can be, just be who you are inside. Be the person that makes you happy, and live your life as I see you, a beautiful bright star. 

I Thank You For

The sleepless nights
The stupid fights
The hole in my chest
The anxiety and unrest

The times you made me smile
Being the one for a while
The cherished memories now turned bittersweet
Making me get back on my feet

Being my almost lover
All the things I did discover
Breaking my soul as my other half
What you said and did that made me laugh

The hopeless dreams scattered
The wisdom that I gathered
Making me stronger than ever before
Guiding me to a new distant shore

Making me feel so wanted
All the times I felt haunted
Memories in my mind where you used to live
Opening my eyes to everything I still have to give

Each and every day
Going your own way
For making me blue
I will always thank you

I Walked and Walked

Three months I spent lying on my back;
Unable to walk I was stuck to the sack.
A useless arm and leg on my left side,
I couldn’t even on my backside slide.

Appreciative of those less able did I become,
I was frustrated, anxious and rather glum.
But soon heal I did in my own good time,
So now I thought I’d share with you this rhyme.

Becoming again mobile was such a delight,
Excited was I that again I just might.
Wander off alone into the great outdoors,
Not looking back just heading to new shores.

So prepare did I for another long trek,
I wanted to walk for hours and sit by a beck.
Missed this sense of freedom that I had before,
Almost hop, skip and jump did I out of the door!
I walked a league and over the moor;
I walked and walked as never before,
And on to walk from dale to hill
And on again to claim the thrill.

Behold! that walking does for me:
The senses heightened, mind of glee,
While rolling vistas pass me by
To swell the heart, enthral the eye. 

Heart Feeling Blue

I saw her sat there feeling troubled and weak,
What I saw though was one anything but meek.

She smiled at me through her silent inner pain,
The haunting memories within continuing to reign.

She is strong beyond her own self realization,
She won't know it though that's her frustration.

Sitting behind closed doors and alone crying out,
And fighting inner battles no one will ever know about.

There was nothing that I could do to help her through,
So I continued to walk on past with a heart feeling blue.

Do Miss Me, But Please Also Let Me Go

I’ve known pleasure,
Also endured pain,
Lived in the sunshine,
Walked in the rain.

Been separated from you,
Screaming, inside from you apart,
I am not though alone,
Forever, you remain in my heart.

Death, always seems so sudden,
This one thing is always sure,
But what is always forgotten,
Is that it’s not without a cure.

In times that you may miss me,
I will be happy that you do,
Please smile when you think of me,
I’ll always be waiting for you.

There are many things for you to do,
Lots of ways to develop and grow,
Stay busy, be happy, and live your life,
Do miss me, but please also let me go.

Turn Around

Turn around and hold me when I sleep,
It'll be much better when you're lying next to me.
But you can’t turn your back on all the other souls,
So much to say, so much we'll never know.
Bear in mind the good times that we could see,
Don’t feel pressure it'll never come from me.
What a day to be left here on our own,
It becomes difficult when feelings have somehow grown.
I keep thinking how can from this we just walk away,
Especially when we know that days alone feel so grey.
There's nothing here really to keep us in this place,
I’d much rather with you than another run this race.
And I know you think those pretty eyes are nothing much to see,
You can’t comfortably hold my gaze or look for too long at me.
You look away and let your eyes dwell in another place,
And I miss seeing the beauty that’s running wild on your face.
Turn around; do you think it will give us peace?
Cause all we ever saw before was way too much grief.
There's nothing left to say now or even do,
In time we’ll both move onto someone new. 

I See Your Face Tonight

   I see your face tonight,
 As I sit and stare out of my window.
Tears run down my cheeks,
   My mind races back to another time
       I feel your touch as you hold me close,
     Then I see that look in your eyes,
   How can a love so right and strong be now gone?
 Too many questions with no answers come to mind.
So I sit and stare out the window;
        Alone I wonder why.
        I hang my head in sorrow,
        Tonight I'm going to cry.
           What we once had,
               Had alas to die.